# Quick Start
Support for three languages is provided by default: C++, Python and Java.
After completing the following tutorials, you will be able to run code in these three languages in the project.
# Part 1 Import
[Optional] Follow How To Be Safe? #1, set Docker to low permission mode.
Must be carried out when deployed in a production environment, otherwise security cannot be guaranteed.
Build Images
For all subfolders in containers folder,enter and run:
sudo docker build -t imageName .
as Image Name,these are default in Config. If modified, default languages could not run.Want more languages? read:Add New Language
Use Maven & Jar
folder of classpath.Add dependency in
<dependency> <groupId>nicer.djudger</groupId> <artifactId>adapter</artifactId> <version>1.x.x</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${project.basedir}/lib/adapter-1.x.x.jar</systemPath> </dependency>
Run Sync
# Part 2 Use
// Build Config Config config = new Config(ModeEnum.CLASSIC) .configClassicAllocator(300,4,2); // Config Classic Allocator .configCodePath("/path/to/code") // Code files path in host .configDocker("tcp://") // Docker TCP/Unix Socket .addDefaultLang() // Add C++&Java&Python // Get Allocator Allocator allocator = AllocatorFactory.build(config);
Run Code
// Language Name, default: Python as py,Java as java,C++ as c String lang = "py"; // Commands to be executed List<String> commands = Arrays.asList("python $(code)"); // Time Limit Integer timeLimit = 1000; // Time Limit Unit TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; // Code Identifier String identifier = "my_first_code"; // Code String code = "print(\"Hello DJudger!\")"; Task task = allocator.runCode(lang,commands,2000,timeUnit,identifier,code); // Task contains result System.out.print(task.getStdout());
Hello DJudger!
Provide two macro replacements:
Macro Replacement Sample(Default C++ Container) $(code) Absolute path of code files in the container /code/c/identifier/main.cpp $(directory) Absolute path of the code file directory in the container /code/c/identifier For example, if you need to execute
code:List<String> cCommands = new ArrayList<>(); cCommands.add("cd $(directory)"); cCommands.add("g++ $(code)"); cCommands.add("./a.out");