# How To Be Safe?
Map root in container to a user without privilege.
Attention:All images and containers may be removed, backup if necessary.
Refer to:https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/userns-remap/
If you encounter problems, refer to:https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/#troubleshooting
If Docker also needs to run other application containers, the corresponding container needs to be executed in host mode.
Add to
, and restart docker service."userns-remap": "default"
grep dockremap /etc/subuid
, you will get at least a line, and docker containers can be start nornally:dockremap:100000:65535
Seccomp Restriction
Use seccomp security profile
, add options when run:--security-opt seccomp=/path/to/files/seccomp/default.json
Docker provides with default.json (opens new window) as sample, DJudger provides with default.json (opens new window) at a smaller whitelist scope.
Run testcode after each run, remove and run a new container if test failed.
If container wasn't broken(test passed), it will be reused.
Time Limit
Remove and run a new container if TLE (Run or Compile) .
Container should not be linked with any network, add options when run:
--network none
--cpus=1 --pids-limit 30