# API Reference
# Config Class
Config(ModeEnum modeEnum);
Current Available:(See Allocator Mode
ModeEnum.CLASSIC - Classic Mode(Default)
ModeEnum.THREAD_POOL - Thread Pool Mode
Add Configuration
Set Docker TCP or Unix Socket(Recommended).
Configure where to save code files on host.
Refer to Add New Language.
Add default languages support: Java, Python and C++.
Set the path of the seccomp file to restrict the system call ability of the container. See How To Be Safe? #2.
# Allocator Mode
# 1.ModeEnum.CLASSIC - Classic Mode
The only optional mode in DJudger v0.x.
Each Docker container corresponds to a thread, and each language corresponds to a blocking queue. Allocator is only responsible for starting the container thread, putting tasks into the queue, and waiting for the task to be completed.
The container thread will actively remove tasks from the queue and execute them in the corresponding container.
If there is a problem with execution, the corresponding thread will be terminated. If necessary, a new container thread will be created corresponding to the new container.
Config config = new Config()
Name | Meaning | Default |
collectInterval | Time interval to remove useless containers(seconds) | 1800 |
queuedTaskCnt | Max queued tasks for each container(Increase containers until meet maxContainer ) | 4 |
maxContainer | Max containers for each language | 2 |
# 2.ModeEnum.THREAD_POOL- Thread Pool Mode
Base on ThreadPoolExecutor, is new in DJudger v1.x, which is recommended to users who are familiar with thread pool.
For each language, maintain a thread pool, and the threads in the thread pool and containers correspond one by one. If there is a problem with the container, the old container will be deleted and the container corresponding to the current thread will be replaced after creating a new container.
Parameters are the same as construction parameters of ThreadPoolExecutor (except for ThreadFactory), BlockQueue<Runable>
and RejectedExecutionHandler
need to be provided by Lambda expression, as follows:
Config config = new Config(ModeEnum.THREAD_POOL)
.configThreadPoolAllocator(2,4,20,TimeUnit.SECONDS,()->new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(10),ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy::new);
# AllocatorFactory
Build Allocator :
Allocator allocator = AllocatorFactory.build(config);
# Allocator runCode Method
// Language Name, default: Python as py,Java as java,C++ as c
String lang = "py";
// Commands to be executed
List<String> commands = Arrays.asList("python $(code)");
// Time Limit
Integer timeLimit = 1000;
// Time Limit Unit
TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
// Code Identifier
String identifier = "my_first_code";
// Code
String code = "print(\"Hello DJudger!\")";
Task task = allocator.runCode(lang,commands,2000,timeUnit,identifier,code);
// Task contains result
# Logging
Used Slf4j, you can choose any base log system.