# Add New Language

  1. Choose an appropriate Docker image, write test code files, and build a custom Dockerfile that contains at least the following:

    Why Code for test needed?Refer to How To Be Safe? #3

    FROM xx:version # Base Image
    # Follow 3 steps are necessary
    WORKDIR /code
    COPY test.xx .
    RUN mkdir languageName # eg.py/java/c
    CMD ["bash"]
  2. Configuration:

    Config config = new Config(ModeEnum.CLASSIC)

    Among them:

    Parameter Name Meaning
    languageName languageName in 1st step, as the first parameter of runCode method.
    languageFileName The code file name created, requires special attention to the main class name problem for Java language.
    imageName Image Name built in 1st step.
    testCommand Commands for test.
    testResult Expected results of the test for normal execution.

# Example:DJudger Default C++ Configuration


  1. File Preparation:

    • Dockerfile

      FROM gcc:9.4
      WORKDIR /code
      COPY test.cpp .
      RUN mkdir c # must be identical with languageName
      CMD ["bash"]
    • Code for test

      using namespace std;
      int main(){
  2. Build Image:

    cd containers/c
    sudo docker build -t judger_c .
  3. Configuration:

    Config config = new Config(ModeEnum.CLASSIC)
      .addLang("c","main.cpp","judger_c","g++ test.cpp&&./a.out","Pass")
Last Updated: Monday, September 26, 2022 4:45 PM GMT+8